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Splendid Glory or Unthinkable Horror

We are changed through every choice we make and every action. C.S. Lewis said, “Each day we are becoming a creature of splendid glory or one of unthinkable horror” (brainyquote). Every single choice that we make is either making us into a person of God, or something of unspeakable horror. Each day, each moment, we must make a choice and decide who we want to become. Even in the everyday mundane things though which everything feels like a routine, our hearts are changed to either be more like God or not. Each choice that we make causes a ripple effect in our lives that either spread sin further or radiates God’s love.

In my teenage years, I would become annoyed with my father very very easily. I would criticize everything that he did and take out all of my anger and frustration on him. In those moments I was presented with a choice to either lose my temper or use patience towards him. It was so much easier to become annoyed with him and take everything out on him, and so I did this day after day and chose the wrong thing. It became almost like a habit and so I was angry towards him almost all the time and this radiated into all parts of my life so that it became easier to become annoyed with everyone else. I always said that I would be nicer later when I had time, or once I was less stressed with school. It never happened and I continued to push this back. I did not understand that the choices that I was making in the little things and the everyday times were preparing me for later and was affecting who I was becoming.

Life is made up of little moments that all add up to who we are and God usually gives us little things and everyday moments that form us into who he wants us to be. We must begin by being faithful in the little things and surrender them to God so that he can work on our hearts.

We are not automatically changed into good or perfect people, instead God works on us through the little moments and the mundane things. It is not an instantaneous change, but instead a continual process renewal of our hearts and minds.

Each day we are presented with a choice to either become a creature of splendid glory or one of unspeakable horror.

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